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Dr. Sander van ‘t Foort BBA LL.M. is a visiting fellow and lecturer
administrative law at Nyenrode Business University. He is part of Nyenrode's Faculty Research Center, the Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Sander studied business administration and
constitutional and administrative law (cum laude). In 2020, he
successfully defended his PhD
thesis at Nyenrode about the effectiveness of a non-judicial grievance
mechanism called the ‘specific instance procedure’.
Secondary positions
- Board member at Worldconnectors
- Supervisory board member Vluchtelingenwerk West en Midden-Nederland
- Supervisory board member Thius
- Alderman
Most relevant publications
- S. van ’t Foort, Due diligence and supply chain responsibilities in specific instances, Erasmus Law Review, Vol. 4.
- H. Wijffels and S. van ’t Foort, Gemeentebestuurders, het succes van de energietransitie hangt van u af, Trouw.
- S. van ’t Foort, The History of National Contact Points and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Rg 25 2017.
Publication date 6/19/2018File size 40 KB