
Online journals

ScienceDirect: Business, Management & Accounting Internet database

ScienceDirect offers many fulltext articles from top journals in the fields of Business, Management and Accounting.<br />
Academic software


SmartPLS is software with graphical user interface for variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) using the partial least squares (PLS) path modeling method. <br />
Research papers

Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

This site allows users to access thousands of abstracts and full-text working papers in accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, financial economics, information systems, law, management and negotiations. The core of the site is the eLib...
Academic software

SPSS Statistics

SPSS Statistics is software for statistical data analysis. Commands can be executed using the menu system or using command syntax. The intuitive drop-down systems is easy to learn for beginners. SPSS Statistics is widely used in the soci...
Academic software


Stata is a powerful statistical analysis tool that enables users to analyze, manage and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers to examine data patterns. It is more advanced than SPSS statistics. Sta...
Statistical databases


StatLine is the electronic database of Statistics Netherlands. The database contains statistical information on The Netherlands presented in tables and graphs, including time series on many social and economic subjects and information on...
Interesting links

Survey Data Netherlands

The portal Survey Data Netherlands (SDN) enables you to ​search and access survey questions and data of large Dutch research projects. When the portal was launched, in February 2014, it contained the data of the following projects: Cultu...
Interesting links

Trading Economics

Macroeconomic data, exchange rates, and data on stocks, bonds and commodities.<br />Sources: National Statistical Offices (US BLS, etc), International institutions (IMF, World Bank , EUROSTAT, etc) and financial market exchanges across t...