News overview


image Mike klein Agile approach makes work more enjoyable

Agile approach makes work more enjoyable

Research |  March 5 2020
Agile working in multidisciplinary teams makes work more enjoyable and ensures that your customers receive better service
i-PcpV7xk-S Supervisory Board must prevent gut decisions by directors

Supervisory Board must prevent gut decisions by directors

Research |  January 27 2020
ways in which a supervisory director or supervisory authority can ensure that directors make better-informed decisions and rely less on their gut feeling.
Sustainable approach to HRM solution for burnout problems?

Sustainable approach to HRM solution for burnout problems?

Research |  January 16 2020
The risk of burnout problems is steadily increasing. That requires a different mindset when it comes to HRM.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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