The Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO, Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organization) assesses the quality of Dutch and Flemish higher education institutions and programs. In addition, each program conducts a ‘development conversation’, the reports of which can be found on this page.

Since obtaining university status in 1982, Nyenrode has built a solid academic reputation. It is the only private university in the Netherlands. Nyenrode’s bachelor’s and master’s programs are NVAO-accredited. This means that students who complete one of these programs are allowed to carry a degree based on the Higher Education Act (Wet op heet Hoger Onderwijs, WHW), such as the Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degree.


    Our NVAO accredited bachelor’s and master’s programs

    All programs accredited by the NVAO are listed in the Dutch Central Register of Higher Education Programs of the Education Executive Agency.


    NVAOAbout the NVAO

    The NVAO assesses the quality of Dutch and Flemish higher education institutions and programs. All programs accredited by the NVAO are in the Central Register of Higher Education Programs of the Education Executive Agency (DUO).

    Every six years, the NVAO assesses our bachelor’s and master’s programs. These peer reviews have two goals: accountability and improvement. In addition to the assessment, each program conducts a ‘development conversation’ with the panel as part of external accreditation. The program determines the topic, such as future developments and possible improvements. The development conversation is part of the program review, but the results are not included in the accreditation assessment.