English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy



Start date
May 2025
32 months
On Fridays from 09.30h – 16:30h
Weekly study
12-20 hours
Pre-Master €7.000, Master €8.800 per year
Application deadline
31st of March 2025

Upcoming event

Orientation & Admission Webinar | English (Pre-) Master of Science in Accountancy

Start date: 30 Oct
Location: Online

Join us online to learn more about the English-taught part-time Pre-Master of Science in Accountancy offered at Nyenrode in Amsterdam.

Nyenrode Part-time Pre-Master of Accountancy for internationals
English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy


Become the accountant of the future!  

Are you interested in working for one of the larger accountancy firms in the Netherlands, or are you already working here? Are you looking for a part-time, English-taught program, and do you have a relevant (financial / economic) educational background? Then this is the right program for you!  

Society needs accountants with strong principles, good social skills, international experience and valuable knowledge. During the English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy, we will work with you towards this. The MSc in Accountancy is a hands-on, part-time program given at academic level that will turn you into a broad assurance professional. You will make a start towards gaining the Dutch title of RA, while working at one of the larger accountancy firms in the Netherlands.  Become the accountant of the future and create sustainable value for yourself, your career and society. 

Program highlights 

  • Title: Master of Science (MSc)
  • Valuable work experience within a Dutch Accountancy firm
  • Become part of a unique Nyenrode-network that stimulates your personal and professional growth.
  • The only English-taught part-time Pre-Master to Post-Master program in the Netherlands.
  • Benefit from a program that offers close links between academic theory and practical relevance.
  • Join a diverse class with a variety of nationalities and work experiences.
  • Access to the part-time 1.5 - 2-year Post-Master RA (Chartered Accountant) program. 

The English (Pre-)Master program only starts once a year, is part-time and is fully busy season proof. The next cohort will start on May 8th and May 9th, 2025.  Are you interested in this program? Please reach out to the Program Management:  Marianne Troost (Pre-Master phase) or Bente Dijkman (Master phase). 

Note: The English-taught program is similar to the Dutch RA-route, only taught in English. This means that the content of the courses is the same. Although, some literature can be different, since the original literature is only available in Dutch. 

The English Post-Master is still in development. We have the ambition to offer this program by Spring 2026. Contact us for more information.

Introduction Day

The first cohort of our Part-time (Pre-) Master of Science in Accountancy has started in April 2023. Watch the video below of their first day and learn more about their motivation for joining this unique Accountancy program for internationals. 

What our participants say

"This unique part-time English Accountancy program will enable me as a Nyenrode alumna to become a chartered accountant in the Netherlands."

Kuanling Chu Deloitte - Junior Staff Audit
Kuanling Chu

Nyenrode's (Pre&Post)-Master Accounting program is tailor-made to support international talent being trained as chartered accountants within Dutch accounting organizations. With a focus on cultural differences and development in consultation with accounting firms, this program provides required courses, practical training, and personal advice and coaching to enhance my accounting skills and increase my career prospects.



The design of the (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy is not only focused on academic knowledge, your personal education is also central. Developments in the field of accountancy are creating a growing need for accountants with strong principles, good social skills, and valuable professional expertise: accountants who can keep their backs straight in complex situations. Nyenrode stimulates you to develop a high-level professional attitude, including the ability to critically assess yourself and the interests of your client. Various methods, including oral exams, are used to help you become a valuable discussion partner within an accountancy firm.  

• The five focus areas during our total Accountancy program  

Your own development is our priority, and we pay attention to five focus areas: 

Nyenrode Accountant Future

  1. Professional training: the building of knowledge, skills and competencies to excel in the work field.
  2. Personal development: learning to find your own path and to develop your own moral compass.
  3. Academic training: the development of an investigative and critical attitude and an autonomous capacity for judgment.
  4. Societal awareness: learning to give meaning to your societal role and responsibilities as an accountant.
  5. Practical training: hands-on experience of the application of knowledge in practice and through cases. 

• Pre-Master phase 

Have you obtained a bachelor’s degree at a University of Applied Science (HBO) or at a University of Science (WO) with a financial and/or economic background? Then, in preparation for the Master of Science in Accountancy, you must follow our Pre-Master's program. The length of the Pre-Master is 8 months. During the Pre-Master of Science in Accountancy at Nyenrode you will attend lectures in three core subject areas of: Auditing, Corporate Reporting, and Accounting Information Systems. Close attention is also given to bookkeeping, academic skills such as research and statistics, as well as your own personal development. 

Why a Pre-Master? 

  • It prepares you for our Master’s, since this phase is directly focused on Accountancy. In this way it is a bridge between your previous education and our Master of Science.
  • During this phase academic development is central. In The Netherlands we see a University of Applied Science as a practical university and not as an academic university. With this reason we prepare you.
  • The Pre-Master allows you to build up work experience. The Master directly connects to this level of knowledge and work experience which enables you to successfully complete the Master’s.
  • Your total route to become RA won’t be longer compared to other Dutch universities, since our Post-Master is much shorter compared with other universities. 

Courses Pre-Master 

You will take the following the courses during the Pre-Master phase: 
  • Nyenrode Navigator & Personal Leadership and Development Journey (2 ECTS) 
  • Essentials of Auditing (5 ECTS)
  • Essentials of Financial Accounting (5 ECTS)
  • Auditing Theory (5 ECTS)
  • Financial Accounting Theory (5 ECTS)
  • Accounting Information Systems (AIS) – Business Information Systems (5 ECTS)
  • Statistical Reasoning (5 ECTS) 
Exemptions Pre-Master 

The program during the Pre-Master is fixed. It is therefore not possible to apply for individual exemptions. The only exception is if you have obtained a Bachelor of Science (WO) degree. After submitting the correct documentation, we will consider whether the course Statistical Reasoning can be exempted. This does not accelerate but does ease the programme. 

• Master phase 

The Master phase will take you two years. The first year we focus on the three core subject areas again. As an assessment method we add the oral exams to the other methods you already experienced during the Pre-Master. The Master of Science in Accountancy concludes with a thesis for which you carry out academic research related to one of the main core subjects. The second year will be central to this. Throughout this year you will receive training and guidance for writing your thesis.

Courses Master 

You will take the following courses during the Master phase:  
  • Communication in Control (1 ECTS) 
  • Data Science in Auditing (4 ECTS)
  • Corporate Reporting (10 ECTS)
  • Accounting Information Systems (AIS) – Risk, Control and Behavior (9 ECTS)
  • Advanced Auditing (6 ECTS)
  • Academic Research in Accountancy (7 ECTS)
  • Advanced Research Course Accountancy (6 ECTS)
  • Master thesis (17 ECTS) 

• Post-Master phase* 

Become a chartered accountant! After gaining the English Master of Science in Accountancy you can start with the English Post-Master RA, which takes you about 1,5 years and is also given as a part-time program. To be able to gain the RA title, you will not only follow a theoretical part, but also a Practical Training, which is a three-year on-the-job training program. You can already start the Practical Training once you are allowed to start with the Master’s phase, but always in consultation with your employer.   

*Note: The English Post-Master is still in development. We have the ambition to offer this program by Spring 2026. Contact us for more information. 

A complete overview of our Accountancy route at Nyenrode 

Watch the video below to get to know our program's structure and curriculum: 

Note: The English-taught program is similar to the Dutch RA-route, only taught in English. This means that the content of the courses is the same. Although, some literature can be different, since the original literature is only available in Dutch.  

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Start of your Nyenrode journey:

  • The program design is: part-time and fully busy season proof. 

  • The program takes place: once a year in May. 

  • The next start date is: May 8th, 2025. 

  • The application deadline is: March 31st, 2025. 

  • The Kick-off takes place: May 8th and May 9th, 2025.  (these days are devoted to getting to know each other, personal development, and more explanation and practice in scientific research. Attendance is mandatory! 

Admission requirements:

When you meet the admissions requirements, as written below, then hand-in your application as soon as possible to secure your spot in the upcoming cohort. You are eligible for the program if: 

Previous education obtained in The Netherlands:

  • Your previous education is financial/economic and is at least an HBO Bachelor’s degree. 
  • You are living in The Netherlands. 
  • You are working for an (internationally oriented) accountancy firm in the Netherlands. A relevant role is essential for successfully completing this program. 
  • You have provided us with a copy of your diploma and transcript and also your DUO certificate. 

Previous education obtained in abroad:

  • Your previous education is financial/economic and it at least a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Sciences, evaluated by Nuffic*. The result of the Nuffic evaluation is leading for the admission process. 
  • You are living in The Netherlands before the program starts.  
  • You will be working, or you already are working for an (internationally oriented) accountancy firm, based in the Netherlands. A relevant role is essential for successfully completing this program.
  • You have adequate knowledge of the English language, demonstrated by a TOEFL score (91+), IELTS (6.5), or a Cambridge Advanced (C1) certificate.
  • You have provided us with a copy of your diploma and transcript, and if necessary, a translation into Dutch or English. The official documents are physically verified by the Program Management for final confirmation.  

*We can provide you with a Nuffic evaluation without any cost. In this way you will know within a couple of weeks if your previous education meets the required Dutch educational level. Please contact us if you would like us to request an evaluation for you. 

Note: you are personally responsible for your application to join this program, and for submitting the documents required for admission. This process does not take place through your employer or through the educational institute you are currently attending. You may also apply if you do not have all the necessary documents yet (such as proof of English proficiency), however make sure your diploma and transcript is included when starting your application. 

Intake interview 

An intake interview with the Program Management is also part of the admission. During the intake we will discuss the program more in detail, expectations are set, and all questions will be answered you might have. Interested in scheduling an appointment? Please contact us for more information.  

Working at a Dutch accountancy firm 

For this program, it important that you work for an (internationally orientated) accountancy firm, based in the Netherlands. There are around 2.200 accountancy firms based in the Netherlands, but there are limited places available. The job search is a student's responsibility, we advise you start early to ensure you have a relevant role at an accountancy firm before you start this program. Without a job, a visa cannot be applied for, and you will not be eligible to work and study in the Netherlands. 

Note: During the Pre-Master working at a Dutch accountancy firm is not mandatory but is advised strongly. However, you do need this work experience to successfully complete the Master and Post-Master, and it is a requirement to be able to complete the Practical Training. 


If you have a specific question about the application and intake process for the English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy program, it may be answered in the FAQ

*By applying for this program you are agreeing with Nyenrode’s current Terms and Conditions and the Rules and Regulations for this program. We reserve the right to withdraw this program for the given year. 

Interested in this program?

Are you interested in the English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy program? Then apply online.


For the (Pre-)Master and Post-Master in Accountancy, it is customary for the accounting firm where you work or will work, to invest in the costs of your studies. You will also receive a salary. Agreements concerning the payment of the study program and the associated arrangements are usually included in a study agreement as part of your employment contract. This also includes what your rights and obligations are. It is important to be well informed about these agreements. 

Tuition fee and costs program* 

  • Tuition fee Pre-Master averages €7.000 per year including costs for courses and exams. 
  • Tuition fee Master averages €8.800 per year including costs for courses and exams. 
  • Tuition fee Post-Master average €8.250 per year including costs for courses and exams. 
  • Study literature average €650 per study phase (Pre-Master, Master, or Post-Master). 
  • Registration fee €310 per academic year. 
The total amount is split into partial invoices, invoiced per course and exam. 

*All amounts and conditions are indicative and subject to periodic changes.

Central invoicing

  • Accounting firms employing several students can also opt for central invoicing of tuition and examination fees.
  • Nyenrode Business University will then send monthly invoices directly to the employer. 

Cancellation free of charge 

  • You can cancel your registration for the Pre-Master free of charge until March 31st, 2025. Please note: after this date, the regulation 'Financial consequences in case of cancellation of course(s) and termination of study' will apply as it will be mentioned in the Study Guide 2024-2025.  


Advantages of the Netherlands 

Whether you are considering moving to the Netherlands or are already residing here, our country offers a variety of advantages for your career and personal life: 

  • High quality education with Dutch universities being acknowledged for their modern courses and facilities. 
  • English is commonly spoken, making it easy for you to interact with people at work and at the university.
  • Because of our strong connection with other cultures you will be part of a diverse and inclusive society.
  • Often called the ‘gateway to Europe’ you can easily travel from Amsterdam to Paris, Berlin, London, etc.
  • The Dutch economy is ranked the 17th largest economy worldwide; a great place to grow your career.
  • Jobs in finance and accounting are expected to see continued demand due to the healthy economy.
  • Close to 2.200 accountancy firms are based in the Netherlands: majority in the Hague and Amsterdam. 

Working in the Netherlands 

The part-time (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy is the number 1 program for accounting firms in the Netherlands who seek to attract and to train international talent to become a chartered accountant (Register Accountant). Designed to shape you as the accountant of the future, this program not only focuses on core subjects such as Auditing and Corporate Reporting, but also on your role and responsibilities as accountant within our society. 

Busy season proof and with lectures scheduled primarily on Friday’s at Nyenrode’s premises in the city-center of Amsterdam, the study program enables you to balance your work with your assignments and exams. The small class size provides for lots of interaction and learning with your peers, while the diversity in nationalities ensures you will learn from different cultural backgrounds and work experiences in different countries. 

In order to join this study program, it is important that you have a job in a relevant role at an international orientated accountancy firm in the Netherlands. However, finding a job is the student’s responsibility. It is very important that a student looks for a suitable employer because he or she knows best what fits, whether it matches the interests and whether the company culture fits. 

Below you will find an overview of the accountancy firms that are seeking international talent with dedicated links to their career websites. Contact the Program Management Marianne Troost (Pre-Master phase) or Bente Dijkman (Master phase). 

We connect people, insights, and expertise to create breakthrough solutions, together for our clients.
Visit career website

We are a community of solvers combining ingenuity, experience, and technology to help organizations.
Visit career website

We provide consulting, assurance, tax, and transaction services that help solve our client's challenges.
Visit career website

Grant Thorton

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services to organizations.
Visit career website

We deliver assurance, tax, and financial advisory services that are tailored to our clients' industry needs, and goals.
Visit career website

We are an accounting and consulting firm providing audit, tax, advisory and interim management solutions.
Visit career website


RSM is a powerful network of audit, tax, and consulting experts with offices all over the world.
Visit career website

Mazars is a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm that works as one team, leveraging expertise and scale.
Visit career website

At Moore, we strive to be the best accounting and consulting company in terms of helping customers grow.
Visit career website

Studying at Nyenrode in Amsterdam 

Arina Strakhova invites you to join her for a day in her life as a student of the (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy at Nyenrode Business University in Amsterdam. Watch the video below to get an impression of the life of an international Accountancy student through the eyes of Arina as she takes you with you on one of her days working as a Digital Auditor at KPMG in Rotterdam while studying at Nyenrode in Amsterdam.  


Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the application process. 

1. How do I apply for the Pre-Master?

To apply for the Pre-Master, click on the green ‘Apply online’ button.  

 Clicking on ‘apply online’ will open a form that you can fill in. You will then receive an email containing a link to our application portal in Osiris, where you can complete your application and submit it officially. Once you have done so, you will get another email confirming receipt of your application. Make sure you go through all these steps, or your application will be incomplete.  

Note: the application deadline is March 31st, 2025 (although later application may be possible, by arrangement). Part of the process is the verification of your account. You can verify this account by logging into the application portal again or using the link you received by email (make sure this email did not land in your spam box).  

2. What is the application deadline for the Pre-Master?

Applications are currently being accepted for intake in May 2025. The deadline for these applications is March 31st, 2025 (later application may be possible, by arrangement). Please make your application as soon as possible to be sure of a place (provided you meet the admission criteria).  

3. What are the eligibility requirements for the Pre-Master?

You will need a relevant (financial/economic) educational background at Nuffic-approved Bachelor’s degree level or higher, and proof of your command of the English language: a TOEFL (91+), IELTS (6.5) or Cambridge Advanced (C1) certificate or higher. 

This only applies if your previous education wasn’t obtained in the English language. If your previous education was taught in English, then you have proven that your English is good enough and an English certificate is then not required.  

4. Am I eligible with a foreign diploma? How is my foreign diploma evaluated?

A foreign diploma makes you eligible if this diploma is at an acceptable level. To determine whether this is the case, your diploma has to be evaluated by Nuffic. This evaluation will establish your diploma equivalence to the Dutch counterparts. The purpose of this evaluation is to give you the best possible advice on which exam program would suit you best.  

Arranging a diploma evaluation

There are two ways to arrange a diploma evaluation:  

  • you can request one yourself, directly from Nuffic; or  
  • with your approval, our program management team can submit a request on your behalf, sharing the necessary information with Nuffic. This could be a copy of your diploma and the grades list, but it could also be an interim list naming all your study subjects and study points so far. Naturally, the name of the school and the course must also be given. 

A Nuffic request can take upon 10 weeks. As soon as we have received the results from Nuffic we will give you advice on the basis of its findings. If we handle the Nuffic request on your behalf there are no attached costs.  

5. What documents do I have to submit for a full application?

To complete an official application, you will need to submit the following documents:  
  • a certified copy of your diploma  
  • a certified copy of your grades list  
  • if necessary, a Dutch or English translation of the grades list 
  • a Nuffic evaluation (which we can arrange on your behalf) 
  • a certificate showing that you possess the minimum necessary level of proficiency in the English language (TOEFL 91+, IELTS 6.5 or Cambridge Advanced C1). A variety of providers are entitled to award these certificates. Unless the previous education was followed entirely in English, and this can be demonstrated by means of documentation, an English certificate is not necessary. 
  • any other relevant documents, such as a residence permit 

6. Will my employer dispatch my application to this program?

No, your employer does not dispatch your application – you are personally responsible for your application, and for submitting the documentation needed to show your eligibility.  

7. Can I go straight from a bachelor’s degree into this Master?

No, it is not possible to enter Nyenrode’s Master in Accountancy straight from a Bachelor’s degree from another college or university. You have to complete the Pre-Master program first. Everyone takes the same Pre-Master’s course, and no exemptions are given for this phase of the program.  

8. Can I get an exemption based on my prior educational status?

The Pre-Master course follows a standard program, and it is therefore not possible to request individual exemptions. The only exemption would be if you have obtained a Bachelor of Science (Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) and took the course Statistics.  

9. When do lectures start in the spring of 2025?

We will start with a Kick-off on May 8th and May 9th, 2025. This includes an overnight stay and presence is mandatory! Classes begin from May 12th, 2025 and takes place on Fridays.   

10. Is there a certain period within which I must successfully complete the program?

There is a maximum enrollment duration for each phase in the program (Pre-Master, Master and Post-Master). This means that you have to successfully complete all the courses in the program within that period, or your registration is canceled.  For the Pre-Master the maximum enrollment duration is 32 months. For the Master program it is 6 years.    

There is also a threshold for transfer to the following phase. The exact conditions will be published in the Study Guide, which you will receive after you are admitted to the program.  

11. Until when can I cancel an application for the Pre-Master at no cost?

An application to join the Pre-Master course can be canceled at no cost until March 31st, 2025. After this date, the regulation 'Financial consequences in case of cancellation of course(s) and termination of study' will apply as it will be mentioned in the Study Guide 2024-2025.  

This means that:  
  • For all courses, the whole of the course fee is due if cancellation takes place on or after the start date of the course. 
  • If cancellation takes place in the four-week period immediately prior to the start date of the course, then a cancellation fee of €150 per course is due. 
  • The starting date of a course is the expiry date of its (first) payment period.  

12. I am still looking for an employer. Can Nyenrode help me find one?

For this program, it is important that you work at an internationally oriented accountancy firms, based in The Netherlands. A job search is the student's responsibility. Unfortunately, without a job, a visa cannot be applied for, and you will not be eligible for this program.  Check our career page for some examples of Dutch accountancy firms who are internationally orientated. 

13. Why doesn’t the program start in September?

The reason we start in May is because of the busy season for Accountants. By starting in May all participants have less pressure of work and so we can offer the entire Pre-Master program in 8 months. Subsequently the Master program, which is also set up busy season proof, ties in nicely.  

14. Can Nyenrode Business University provide you a visa for the English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy?

The English (Pre-)Master of Science in Accountancy is a part-time study. Therefore, we are not able to provide students with a visa. You will need an employer in The Netherlands during this study. This employer finances the study most of the time, and they should start the process for providing a (working) visa. 


Questions? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you!

Marianne Troost

Job title Program Manager
Phone number +31 346 295 864
Marianne Troost
