Looking for talent?

Nyenrode Business University historically has a strong connection with the corporate world. We would love to further strengthen these bonds by providing meaningful connections between you and your company as well as between Nyenrode students and participants. We have outlined a number of options below. We invite you to look through the opportunities available to you, and contact us to discuss particular options in more detail.

Talent Overview

Discover what our Dutch and international MBA candidates can bring to your company. Learn more about their background and connect with them directly on LinkedIn. The latest CV book of 2023-2024 Full-time MBA class will be published here soon. 

A graduation thesis

Would you like to see our MSc and MBA students in action, and at the same time get help solving a business challenge at relatively low cost? Your organization or department could be the subject of one of our Thesis Projects.

Vacancies via Career Center

Does your organization provide interesting career opportunities? We have an online student portal where you have the opportunity to place your vacancies and information about your company as well as review our talented students. Moreover, we can share your vacancies with our LinkedIn group. Go directly to Career Center or contact us for more information. 

Company presentations and workshops

Would you like to introduce your organization to our students? Why not hold a company presentation at Nyenrode? These may range from formal sessions to informal meetings and networking in a casual setting. We look forward to working with you to promote your organization in a way that suits you best. A company workshop enables you to present your organization to our students in an interactive manner. Think of: talent identification, core quadrant competencies or sector-specific interview skills.

Nyenrode Career Event

The annual Nyenrode Career Event, is a fabulous way to meet (and hire!) our MSc in Management and MBA students. The event's interactive setting allows you to meet a lot of students, conduct interviews with selected candidates, and showcase your organization. The next Career Event takes place on November 12th, 2024. Interested in joining? Contact us directly via cpd@nyenrode.nl for more information.

Get in touch

For more information, please contact our Career and Personal Development office.


Marlotte van Herksen

Senior Career Advisor