Orbis Europe

Nyenrode students and staff only

About Orbis Europe

Orbis contains detailed financial information and other company information of European companies. Included are: activities, 10 years of financial information, ownership information, and accounting practices. The database provides tools for selecting companies and industries and for selecting items in financial reports. You can find (video) instructions on how to use this database under ‘help’.

Access this resource through our IP addresses by following the instructions and loggin in on our off-campus access page.


Orbis includes European companies, matching at least one of the following conditions:

  • Operating Revenue >= 1 million EUR
  • Total assets >= 2 million EUR
  • Employees >= 15


  • Companies with ratios Operating Revenue per Employee or Total Assets per Employee below 100 EUR are excluded.
  • Companies for which Operating Revenue, Total Assets and Employees are unknown but have a level of Capital comprised between 50 thousand EUR and 500 thousand EUR are also included.

Orbis replaces the database Mint Global.