Doing well by doing good

Doing well by doing good
How can I make the world a better place? The reality is that I find this extremely difficult and I am searching for where I can make a difference. I’m taking small steps: in the daily choices I make in my private life as well as at work, by choosing projects that are at the crossroads of business and society.
We are in the middle of a global shift towards the new reality, which is no longer about shareholder value, but creating shared value. You undoubtedly know the many stories of those pioneers who have taken a stand to bring about sustainable change, from environmental activists, biologists, actors and economists, to social entrepreneurs and captains of industry who are willing and able to make a major impact with their platforms and multinationals, without losing sight of profit targets: doing well by doing good, with the Sustainable Development Goals as a compass.
Inspired by the spirit of the times and by these pioneers, we have decided to take action together with a group of people from all walks of life in the Nyenrode community. Our aim is to explore what we as Nyenrodians can collectively do to use our knowledge, network, platform and influence to do good, and to do it even better. After all, what started nearly 75 years ago as an institute with 125 students and the goal of rebuilding the Netherlands, has now grown into a global Nyenrode community with no fewer than 27,000 members!
We are working on a plan that we as a collective can use to make a difference, and we really need your input.
Would you like join us in building a better future? If so, then sign up via: All contributions, large and small, are greatly appreciated.
We do not need magic to transform our world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better, J.K. Rowling
Vanessa Buisman, on behalf of all the other imagineers: Joep Stassen, Simone Daniëls, Pieter Bas Boertje, Marjolein Baghuis, Heleen van Hall, Danique Wormgoor, Edgar Karssing, Els Sonneveld, Tim Mazajchik, Ronald van Oijen, Anke van Hal, Edwin Jonkers and André Nijhof
Photo: Diane van der Marel