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Carlijn Wentzel en Maren Smulders BSc in Business Administration starting at Nyenrode Amsterdam

BSc in Business Administration starting at Nyenrode Amsterdam

Education |  August 26 2020
This week saw the ‘birth’ of the latest degree program at Nyenrode Business University, in the heart of Amsterdam. Starting this year, BSc in Business Administration (BScBA) students can choose to either study in our capital or in Breukelen, on the campus.
Vestiging Amsterdam Nyenrode Business Universiteit opens a location in Amsterdam

Nyenrode Business Universiteit opens a location in Amsterdam

About Nyenrode |  September 15 2017
On September 14th, Nyenrode Business Universiteit’s secondary campus in Amsterdam was opened in festive style. With this secondary campus, Nyenrode aims to increase its international appeal and tap into new target groups. This year the full-time MBA offered by Nyenrode was launched in Amsterdam. Next year an expansion of the full-time Master of Science in Management will begin at the location. ​


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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