News overview


Castle in the sun Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Opinion |  April 13 2023
To support organizations in the transition to sustainability, Nyenrode Business Universiteit and KPMG jointly founded the ESG Innovation Institute. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden and Prof. Jeff Gaspersz are both connected to this institute and explain how innovation contributes to business transformation.
Jeroen van der Velden nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Collaboration as a strategic asset

Collaboration as a strategic asset

Research |  December 20 2022
The better organizations work together, the better the performance. That sounds like pushing at an open door, yet the importance of working together is often underestimated. What are the success factors play an important part in good collaboration? How do you make working together more efficient and effective? Jeroen van der Velden, Associate Professor of Strategy Alignment and director of the Nyenrode Faculty Expertise Center Strategy, Organization & Leadership at Nyenrode Business University can, after more than 25 years of research and consulting work, provide the answers to these questions in great detail.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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