Nyenrode students in employability top 3 among Dutch recruiters

November 29 2016

Times Higher Education, the renowned publication read worldwide, has announced a list where recruiters can indicate the universities whose graduate students are the most popular to recruit. Nyenrode Business Universiteit occupies third position in the Netherlands on this ‘employability’ list.

Prof. Dr. Miša Džoljić, Rector Magnificus of Nyenrode Business Universiteit, is pleased with the ranking: “Nyenrode was founded for and by business, and the close ties with the corporate world are in our DNA. That this is now recognized in the market is apparent from this listing. Nyenrode’s students are trained to occupy leading positions in the business world at home or abroad, through a combination of practically-oriented and academic approaches, with the focus on personal development. It’s good to see how desirable our students are in the corporate world.”

The Times Higher Education Employability Ranking survey was conducted by human resources consultancy Emerging in collaboration with the Trendence research group.

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