Prof. dr. Danielle Zandee

Job title Professor
Phone number + 31 346 291 424
Danielle Zandee


Danielle Zandee is Professor of Sustainable Organizational Development at Nyenrode Business University. She is part of Nyenrode's Faculty Research Center for Strategy, Organization & Leadership

Zandee received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University.  She studies and facilitates organizational change processes that enable the emergence of sustainable enterprise. She designs and facilitates OD processes in which action learning and action research approaches are often combined with an appreciative stance. She also teaches about the dynamics of organizational change in Executive Education programs.

Zandee explores how organizational settings can nurture the innovative and collaborative capacities that help create sustainable value for all stakeholders. Her research interests include dialogic approaches to OD, artful approaches to organizational design, dynamics of collective learning and inquiry and generative forms of action research. She has published about topics such as the philosophy and practice of Appreciative Inquiry, organizational discourse as a vehicle for institutional transformation, the theatrical rehearsal as a metaphor for organizational design and sustainable organizational development as generative process of play, poetry and provocation. In the Center for Sustainability she guides a number of PhD students in conducting their action research projects.

Based on her work experience, Zandee is hopeful about the possibilities for a beneficial role of business in society. She started her career with the Royal/Dutch Shell Group where she worked in Human Resources and in OD & Training. She has facilitated organizational change initiatives in the United States, in South Africa and in the Netherlands for companies such as IBM, Verizon and the Dutch water company Vitens. At Case Western Reserve University she collaborated with David Cooperrider and others in a number of Appreciative Inquiry initiatives and taught in the Masters in Positive OD and Change Program (MPOD).