Research with Impact: Leadership

At Nyenrode, we understand Leadership as “developing a vision and taking responsibility for it by inspiring people, connecting them and acting on it yourself.”
This understanding can be translated to leadership across and within organizations. Across organizations, leadership is the ability to recognize the diverse needs and perspectives of the multitude of internal and external stakeholders involved in the organization’s broader environment. By taking these contradictory needs into consideration, leaders take decisions that benefit multiple bottom lines. A leader recognizes when he or she can add value and has the courage to take the lead in complex situations. A leader is also able to recognize when it is best to step aside and let others take the leading role. By making room for others, the leader does not, however, forego his or her duty to actively contribute and act responsibly.
Within organizations, leadership is translated to giving sense to others about how their activities contribute to a common goal. It is about inspiring people to be adaptive and to encourage them to speak up and voice ideas, also those that challenge the status quo. Nyenrode’s education and research ambitions focus on shaping individuals to be responsible leaders at all levels within organizations. It requires the ability for self-reflection and personal growth, and recognizing the beliefs, values and needs of others.
'Research Valorization through Open-Source Software'
Publication date: 1/29/2025Author:- Dr. Koen Derks
- Lotte Mensink MSc.
- Federica Picogna MSc.
- Prof. dr. Jacques de Swart MBA
- Prof. dr. Ruud Wetzels
Research with Impact: 'Digitalization of a Global Business Services Portfolio’
Publication date: 9/8/2024Author:- Prof. dr. Albert Plugge
Bridging the gap between science and practice
Publication date: 2/5/2024Author:- Dr. Ferdy van Beest
Emerging multinational enterprises in Global Markets
Publication date: 2/2/2024Author:- Dr. Jianhong Zhang
IT investment decision-making in the public sector
Publication date: 12/1/2023Author:- Prof. dr. Cokky Hilhorst
Building a citizens society amidst of a societal revolution
Publication date: 11/6/2023Author:- Prof. dr. Bob de Wit (Emeritus)
Executive misconduct and the recovery of compensation
Publication date: 10/6/2023Author:- Prof. Dr. Michael Erkens
Contributing to global financial stability. Dedicated research on risks in the capital market
Publication date: 5/5/2023Author:- Dr. Vivian van Breemen
- Prof. dr. Dennis Vink
Understanding the choices and impact of China and other new economic powers
Publication date: 10/7/2022Author:- Prof. dr. Haico Ebbers
Research with Impact: 'Shifting towards sustainability of foreign direct investments
Publication date: 6/3/2022Author:- Dr. Yulia Levashova LL.M.
Research with Impact: 'Real Estate: regulating fraud, money laundering and public private partnerships'
Publication date: 5/6/2022Author:- Prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom (emeritus)
Research with Impact: 'Emergence, existence and complexity theory as a lens for societal transition'
Publication date: 3/4/2022Author:- Prof. dr. Robert Jan Blomme
Research with Impact: 'The Modern Corporation Project'
Publication date: 1/7/2022Author:- Prof. dr. Jeroen Veldman
Research with Impact: 'Leadership with 5G in Europe'
Publication date: 10/2/2021Author:- Dr. ir. Wolter Lemstra
Research with Impact: 'The naughty notary'
Publication date: 9/3/2021Author:- Prof. dr. mr. Marcel Pheijffer
Research with Impact: 'The real estate sector'
Publication date: 8/4/2021Author:- Prof. dr. Tom Berkhout MRE MRICS
Audits for Less Complex Entities
Publication date: 7/2/2021Author:- Prof. dr. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen RA
Research with Impact: 'Giving voice to the next generation of auditors'
Publication date: 6/4/2021Author:- Prof. dr. Marlies de Vries RA
Research with impact: 'Availability and quality of annual accounts'
Publication date: 7/6/2020Author:- Prof. dr. Ruud Vergoossen RA (emeritus)