Nyenrode restarts educational activities

July 1 2020
About Nyenrode

Since June 1st, Nyenrode Business University is starting up its educational activities again. In recent weeks, various groups of participants have attended a physical lecture at Nyenrode for the first time. This was of course done with due observance of the guidelines of the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), so that there is a safe learning and working environment for everyone.

Physical education can only take place by ensuring the distance of 1.5 meters (3 foot). For both locations in Breukelen and Amsterdam, if you come to attend your classes as a participant or student, you must register. You will receive instructions via program management. Before the program starts, we will ask you about your health based on a short checklist. We also follow the guidelines regarding advice from the National Government on working from home. This means that our employees work from home as much as possible, except those who have a program or location-related task.


By introducing the 1.5 meters measures, Nyenrode, in Breukelen and Amsterdam, will have about 25% of the usual capacity available in the coming period. This naturally brings challenges. Our starting point is that we use the available space as optimally as possible to ensure the best possible quality of the programs and the value of education for our students and participants. In any case, exams will be taken online until September 30th. Travelling abroad will remain postponed until further notice.

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be a long-term situation. We are delighted that we can once again welcome our students and participants to our locations in Breukelen and Amsterdam. The health and safety of our students, participants and employees remains a priority. Together we ensure a pleasant and safe learning and working environment.

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