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133 news articles

  • Give stakeholders a voice: “Together you can achieve more”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/18/2024

    You should let people decide for themselves whether they are a stakeholder and why. That’s what Tanja de Jonge argues, who will receive her doctorate from Nyenrode Business University on September 17. “There are more stakeholders than just the usual suspects.”

    Tanja de Jonge
  • Impact case of the month: ‘Digitalization of a Global Business Services Portfolio’

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/16/2024

    What factors affect a Global Business Services Portfolio? And how can digitalization help overcome challenges in its implementation? This question is at the heart of research by Albert Plugge, professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, and Shahrokh Nikou, researcher at TU Delft.

    Albert Plugge
  • Mandating company reporting won’t enhance transparency

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 7/3/2024

    The EU’s Directive 2014/95/EU requires large companies to disclose non-financial information related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters in their annual reports. However, a recent study from Nyenrode Business University found that simply mandating reporting won’t guarantee enhanced transparency. In fact, the Directive's flexibility and weak enforcement make it less effective, and more costly, for companies that are not motivated to share detailed information.

  • 'Those who embrace ESG fuel innovation'

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/14/2024

    Organizations must restore the balance between business continuity and concern for people, nature and society, according to Prof. Albert Plugge in his inaugural speech on June 14. Plugge is professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University. "Financial interests have prevailed since the industrial revolution, but that concept is no longer tenable."

    Albert Plugge
  • Corporate governance: ‘More and more parties are knocking on the door’

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/29/2024

    The way we govern our enterprises is under pressure, according to Prof. Dr. Jeroen Veldman in his inaugural lecture on May 29. “Organizations are increasingly confronted with expectations from various quarters. These expectations often pertain to mitigating systemic risks such as climate change. This development affects how we implement corporate governance."

    oratie Jeroen Veldman
  • CSR in the clothing industry: 'Everyone can benefit from collaboration'

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/23/2024

    All stakeholders can benefit from a sustainable clothing industry, says S. M. Akterujjaman during his PhD defense ceremony on May 22. His research is concerned with the complex network of relationships and interactions that determine the shape of corporate social responsibility. In doing so, Akterujjaman focused mainly on the clothing industry in Bangladesh.

  • How can pension funds make the world a better place?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 4/17/2024

    Pension funds have the potential to make the world a better place. However, challenges remain. The crucial question is how pension funds intend to achieve their broader goals.

    Willem Schramade
  • 'Sustainability reporting should not become a checklist'

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 4/5/2024

    Does regulation on sustainability reporting actually lead to more sustainability? This question was central to Professor René Orij's inaugural lecture on April 5th. "Organizations need to think more about the long-term benefits and necessities."

    Orij, Rene
  • Challenges for the CFO focusing on integrated value

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 3/26/2024

    When it comes to making choices, it's a real pickle. This pretty much sums up the biggest challenges for financial professionals aiming to steer towards integrated value. Surprisingly, the oft-cited issue of data availability isn't the main hurdle for these individuals. The real challenge lies in decision-making.

    Willem Schramade
  • Impact case: Bridging the gap between science and practice in corporate reporting

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 3/18/2024

    Substantive developments and shifting priorities have led to significant changes in corporate reporting regulations in recent years. Dr. Ferdy van Beest, Associate Professor of Corporate Reporting at Nyenrode Business University and Director of Sustainability at Flynth adviseurs en accountants (Flynth Dutch auditors and consultants), emphasizes that stakeholders must make substantial efforts in order to keep up with changing regulations. Van Beest sees a large knowledge gap between scientific research and practical applications in corporate reporting. It is his mission to bridge this gap.

  • Impact case of the month: “Emerging multinational enterprises in Global Markets”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 2/15/2024

    In the global economy, emerging economies and their businesses are becoming increasingly important. Jianhong Zhang, Senior Researcher and Associate Professor of International Economics & Business at Nyenrode Business University, researched the opportunities, challenges, and consequences of this development.

  • Can pension funds make the world a better place?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 2/8/2024

    In November 2023, three Dutch pension funds announced a joint investment of €400 million in rental and care homes to address the housing shortage of the Netherlands. This serves as a good example of pension funds aiming to improve the world while achieving reasonable financial returns.

    Willem Schramade
  • "Council members benefit most from work-based learning"

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/12/2024

    To occupy a strategic position as a city council member, it is crucial to build on previously developed knowledge and competencies. Time is the most limiting factor here, according to René Stigt's research, who will receive his PhD on January 12. Council members therefore benefit most from work-based learning.

    Rene Stigt website
  • Sustainability and the role of corporate reporting

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/18/2023

    How can we encourage organizations to reduce their negative environmental and societal impacts? This question is central to the research of Ries Breijer, who obtained his PhD on December 18th. His research shows that regulatory changes on non-financial and financial reporting can play an important role.

    Ries Breijder
  • Impact case of the month: ‘IT investment decision-making in the public sector’

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/15/2023

    The implementation of IT systems in the public sector does not always go smoothly. Cokky Hilhorst, Professor of Business Information Systems at Nyenrode Business University, conducted research into decision-making in IT investments, specifically focused on public organizations. This has led to valuable insights that help organizations gain more control over their IT expenditure.

    Cokky Hillhorst
  • Nature is increasingly being given legal rights: 'This is how we can really save nature'

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 11/30/2023

    Since 2017, Nyenrode Business University professor Tineke Lambooy has been researching the globally innovative legal trend of 'Rights of Nature'. Internationally and also in the Netherlands, she is a forerunner in this field. "The purpose of granting rights to natural objects or entities such as rivers, forests, mountains and animals is to recognise their intrinsic value and give them a voice. If a natural area or river has rights, this natural entity is able to act in public debate and court. Just like us and government agencies, companies, foundations and associations. For instance, nature can stir when a decision by a public or private party threatens its survival or when there is behaviour that damages the quality of nature," Lambooy said.

    Tineke Lambooy
  • Which CFO focuses on integrated value?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 11/21/2023

    Yes, sustainability is high on the agenda of most managers and directors. But how serious and concrete is it? By expressing social and ecological issues financially, their size and importance become more visible and they can become central to the business strategy.

    Willem Schramade
  • Executive misconduct and the recovery of compensation

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 10/19/2023

    Clawback clauses stipulate that an employee must repay (part of) his variable remuneration if it turns out in retrospect that it should not have been paid out. Prof Dr Michael Erkens is Professor of Corporate Reporting at Nyenrode Business University and examined what these clauses must meet to be effective. He also looked at what the consequences were of effective versus ineffective clawbacks. The outcome of the study resulted in the mandatory implementation of effective clawback clauses in the United States.

    Michael Erkens nieuwsbericht

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