Expertise center

Accounting, Auditing & Control

Our mission

Nyenrode's Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control focuses on the reliability of (non-) financial management and accountability information aimed at internal and external stakeholders.

Correct, current and reliable information is essential for the daily operations and strategic direction of any organization, and the role of IT systems and applications such as Data Analytics is pivotal.

Correct, current and reliable information is also essential for good governance. Through the various specializations within our center we look at this from different perspectives and roles – for instance from the controller or the accountant's.

Our activities

Our education programs aim to build our students into 'robust professionals'. We facilitate this by offering room for critical reflection and a focus on professional judgement and ethics.

Our education programs integrates personal and professional skills; training our students and participants to continuously act in the common interest and preparing them for the ever-changing expectations from stakeholders in a changeable environment.

The Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control is responsible for two of the three core expertise of both the accountancy and controller programs. We provide a significant contribution to the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
  • Master of Science in Accountancy
  • Post-Master RA (including the Custom Made track)
  • Master of Science in Management
  • Master of Science in Controlling
  • Executive Master in Finance & Control
  • Doctoral Program
  • Foundations of Management
  • Leadership Development Program

Additionally, we train experienced professionals through our Executive Educations programs, sharing our expertise in masterclasses, the New Board Program and the Supervisory Board Cycle, amongst others.

Our research

The Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control conducts research in the following fields:

  • Auditing
  • Information and Management Accounting Control Systems
  • Corporate Governance

We conduct our research in cooperation with (international) professionals in the field. Faculty members regularly present their findings at international research conferences and seminars, and publish in academic journals.

You can find their (inter) national publications in the academic bios on the faculty members' profile pages.

Niels van Nieuw Amerongen Audits for Less Complex Entities

Audits for Less Complex Entities

Research |  September 18 2023
Small and medium-sized businesses, also known as SMEs, represent an important part of the economy. However, international auditing standards have not been not well tailored to this business category. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen, holder of the Kreston Netherlands SME Accountancy chair at Nyenrode Business University, analyzed with a research team stakeholder roundtable discussions focused on an international auditing standard for less complex entities. He summarized the findings in two international publications.
Promotie Koen Derks small Performing more transparent and efficient audits using Bayesian statistics

Performing more transparent and efficient audits using Bayesian statistics

Research |  March 17 2023
Auditors are able to work more transparently and efficiently by using Bayesian statistics. That is the main conclusion of Koen Derks’ research, who obtains his doctorate from Nyenrode Business University today. Techniques to apply Bayesian statistics in the audit have been made freely accessible by Derks, through the open-source program JASP. “Auditors should be bold enough to deviate from ways already paved more often.”
Coach House Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Research |  December 20 2022
Major social issues continue to have an increasing impact, also on the business community. And these issues increasingly require corporate involvement. Remko Renes (member of the Nyenrode Corporate Governance Institute) and Auke de Bos (associated with the EUR and EY) elaborate on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. They think about the meaning and the importance of ESG, and the influence of this topic’s focus and transparency on organizations and directors and the roles of supervisors and audits. Based on their insights, they give recommendations to directors, supervisory directors, advisers and accountants.
Annemieke Roobeek, Jacques de Swart, Myrthe van der Plas Corporate Responsibility Framework

Corporate Responsibility Framework

Research |  September 21 2022
If an organization wants to do business responsibly and make strategic decisions that benefit people, the environment, and the market, the golden rule is: to measure is to know.
Barbara Majoor Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

Opinion |  September 19 2022
We often underestimate how much power we hold in terms of being able to make a difference. We are all capable of contributing to bettering the world in one form or another.
Barbara Majoor Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

Opinion |  September 19 2022
We often underestimate how much power we hold in terms of being able to make a difference. We are all capable of contributing to bettering the world in one form or another.
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Foundation for Auditing Research

Nyenrode Business Universiteit is an active contributor to the Dutch Foundation for Auditing Research, an autonomous institute for academic research into the drivers of audit quality. We also host the annual International FAR Conference and a number of masterclasses.

Cooperation with auditing firms

The center works closely with the auditing firms employing our students to collect data for research classes and thesis tracks. This cooperation results in vast databases for education and research purposes.

Cooperation with NBA Young Profs

NBA Young Profs (link in Dutch) is the network of Dutch young accountants/auditors and trainees. The Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control works with them to collect data for collective research, publish white papers and conduct scientific research. This collaboration results in unique data to contribute to the public debate, education and research.

Prof. dr. Erik Brouwer

  • Innovation & Sustainability

Prof. dr. Joost van Buuren RA

  • Audit Methodology
  • Auditing
  • Audit quality
  • Accountancy

Carolyn Cordery PhD

  • risk mang
  • Financial accounting
  • Auditing
  • Accounting & Auditing

Dr. Koen Derks

  • Auditing
  • Statistics
  • Data Science

Dr. Tim Hermans

  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Subjective Performance Evaluation

Prof. dr. Cokky Hilhorst

  • Business & IT
  • IT Investment Decision Making
  • Financial Value of IT Investments
  • IT Project Risk & Flexibility

Prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom

  • Integrity Management
  • Fraud

prof. dr. Hugo Letiche

  • Supervising Thesis

Prof. Dr. Ivo de Loo

  • Management Control

Lotte Mensink MSc.

  • Statistics
  • Data Science

Dr. Reinald Minnaar

  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Performativity of Accounting

Prof. dr. Jaap van Muijen

  • Organizational Culture

Prof. dr. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen RA

  • Control
  • Risk Management
  • Auditing

Prof. dr. mr. Marcel Pheijffer

  • Fraud
  • Corporate Governance
  • Forensic Accounting

Federica Picogna MSc.

  • Statistics
  • Articifical Intelligence
  • Data Science

Drs. Remko Renes RA

  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Internal Control
  • Auditing

Dr. Hans ten Rouwelaar

  • Administrative Information Care
  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Supervising Thesis

Prof. dr. Roland Speklé

  • Management Accounting & Control

Prof. dr. Jacques de Swart MBA

  • Statistics
  • Articifical Intelligence
  • Data Science

Dr. Inez Verwey RA

  • Auditing
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Audit quality
  • Fraud Detection

Dr. Marlies de Vries RA

  • Control
  • Organizational Culture
  • Auditing

Alisa Westerhof MSc

  • IT management
  • Digital Transformation

Prof. dr. Ruud Wetzels

  • Statistics
  • Data Science

Prof. dr. Sally Widener

  • Management Accounting & Control

Dr. Diane Zandee RC

  • Sustainable market transformation
  • Circular Economy Business Models
  • Sustainability voor Financials