Dr. ir. Frans Schaepkens RC EMFC

Job title Associate Professor
Phone number +31 6 5169 1895
Frans Schaepkens


Lifelong learning

Dr. ir. Frans Schaepkens RC EMFC is associated with Nyenrode as lecturer and researcher for External Reporting and Management Control. He is part of Nyenrode's Faculty Research Center for Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax.

Schaepkens has worked in the healthcare sector since 1987 in various positions and has been a financial manager since 1990. He started his career as policy advisor for the National Hospital Council (Nationale Ziekenhuisraad) and from there he moved to financial management in geriatric care. After working at Ernst & Young Consulting for a number of years, he was appointed Management Director at Zorggroep Almere and Finance Director at St Antonius Hospital. He has worked several years at Achmea division Healthcare, involved in policymaking, strategic financial planning and gaining a competitive advantage in developing sustainable healthcare.

More recently he was finance director of Amstelland Hospital, responsible for the financial management function, including planning & control, reporting and internal control of this hospital and involved in strategic (financial) management.

Schaepkens gained his PhD in 2000 in external reporting for healthcare institutions and has been teaching since 1996. He was also member and chairman of the Healthcare workgroup for the Raad voor de Jaarverslaggeving (Annual Reporting Council).

For Schaepkens, the principal about his profession as a teacher is the privilege of working with enthusiastic students and colleagues, who not only achieve but also deliver. Frans has a wide range of interests and likes to commit to various projects. He also mentions his vision of Nyenrode's core values:

  • Leadership: Training controllers who not only have an eye for professional technology.
  • Stewartship: Reporting is more than figures.
  • Entrepreneurship: Further development of subjects in which I have a role.


Reading and gardening. Schaepkens is particularly interested in the organization and financing of the public sector.

Most relevant publications