Research and education with impact

Practical solutions for real-life challenges
The Nyenrode faculty focuses on research with real life impact and education which impacts our students. This is also reflected in Nyenrode’s purpose: ‘serving society by shaping responsible leaders’.
To ‘shape responsible leaders’, we believe in training students and participants in academic thinking, and to ‘serve society’ our research should have a measurable impact on society.
Impact cases are short cases that are easy to read by a large audience and represent a portfolio of research around a central theme. In line with Nyenrode’s LES values, we have grouped the Impact Cases into Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Stewardship and we are looking for an impact on society in the broadest sense of the word. In addition, there is a fourth category for Educational Innovation, as our most direct stakeholders are our students and participants in our Executive Education programs.
6 impact cases
Circular beanies: closing the circle at Nyenrode
Publication date: 10/7/2022Author:- Prof. dr. ir. André Nijhof
Strategic decisions to benefit people, planet, and profits
Publication date: 9/5/2022Author:- Prof. dr. Annemieke Roobeek
- Prof. dr. Jacques de Swart MBA
Research with Impact: 'Introducing novel company law forms for social change'
Publication date: 4/2/2022Author:- Dr. Aikaterini Argyrou LL.M
- Prof. dr. Tineke Lambooy LL.M.
Research with Impact: 'Decision making in marketing'
Publication date: 7/5/2021Author:- Prof. dr. Henry Robben
Research with Impact: 'Entrepreneurial finance'
Publication date: 8/2/2020Author:- Dr. Job J. Andreoli
Research with Impact: Family Business Dynamics
Publication date: 6/6/2020Author:- Prof. dr. Marta Berent-Braun
- Prof. dr. Roberto Flören
A new Impact Case is added every month that shows how our faculty members have made an impact on society or our students. We are proud to present 'Research and education with impact'.