ESG Knowledge Survey results

November 10 2022

The Green Deal’s sustainability program from 2019 obligates companies to gradually focus more on people, the environment, and society: ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). But are organisations adequately equipped to make their business operations more sustainable? What about the level of knowledge and the need for new knowledge and skills in the field of ESG in medium and large organisations? Commissioned by the ESG Innovation Institute, research firm Motivaction investigated this in the summer of 2022.

Read the results of the survey here.


KPMG and Nyenrode have set up the ESG Innovation Institute to help organisations make the transition to sustainability. Organisations can create added value in their business operations by balancing financial and economic results, transparency, social interests and the environment. We aim to make the latest ESG knowledge, skills and ecosystem accessible to executives who want to accelerate the route to sustainability in a professional and informed way.

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