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Research collaboration area

313 people

  • Academic Services Center

    Job title: Academic Services Center
    Library building
  • Drs. Mr. Micky Adriaansens

    Job title: Chair University Board
    Micky Adriaansens chair of the university board of Nyenrode Business University
  • Lidija Malek en Naomi Vervaart

    Job title: Program Advisor
  • Dr. ir. Taher Ahmadi

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Marketing & Supply Chain Management
    Research collaboration area:
    • Markets, Organizations & People
    Taher Ahmadi
  • Prof. mr. dr. Philippe Albert

    Job title: Professor
    Center: Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax
  • Dr. Job J. Andreoli

    Job title: Assistant Professor
    Center: Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax
    Research collaboration area:
    • Entrepreneurship & Responsible Leadership
    Job Andreoli
  • Claire Arensmeyer

    Job title: International Affairs Officer
    Claire Arensmeyer
  • Dr. Aikaterini Argyrou LL.M

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
    Research collaboration area:
    • Accountability, Governance & Law
    • Entrepreneurship & Responsible Leadership
    • Markets, Organizations & People
    Aikaterini Argyrou
  • Prof. dr. Ivo Arnold

    Job title: Professor
    Center: Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax
    Ivo Arnold
  • Dr. Jelle van Baardewijk

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Prof. dr. Hans Bakker (emeritus)

    Job title: Professor
    Center: Strategy, Organization & Leadership
    Hans Bakker
  • Lotte Bannink

    Job title: Program Coordinator
    Lotte Bannink
  • Prof. Dr. George Baourakis

    Job title: Lecturer
    Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Prisco Battes

    Job title: Corporate Secretary
    Prisco Battes
  • Dr. Ferdy van Beest

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax
  • Prof. dr. Christaan Behrens

    Job title: Professor
    Center: Accounting, Auditing & Control
    Christiaan Behrens
  • Beatrijs Beijer

    Job title: Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Anastasiia Belyaeva

    Job title: Assistant Professor
    Center: Strategy, Organization & Leadership
  • Dr. Stefanie Beninger

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Marketing & Supply Chain Management
    Research collaboration area:
    • Markets, Organizations & People
    Stefanie Beninger
  • Dr. Nick Benschop

    Job title: Associate Professor
    Center: Accounting, Auditing & Control