
Interesting links

International Labour Organization

Reports and data on social security, labour and health services.
Interesting links

International Monetary Fund

IMF publications and reports arranged by country.
Interesting links

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. Including ethics.
Interesting links offers worldwide financial market information. It includes for example: real time quotes, real time charts, analysis, news, currencies, central banks and events. The site provides tools such as: Currency convertor, Fibonacc...
Interesting links

OECD Environmental statistics

Selected environmental and economic data per country.
Interesting links

Psych Web

Testing and assessment: information and online tests.
Interesting links

Survey Data Netherlands

The portal Survey Data Netherlands (SDN) enables you to ​search and access survey questions and data of large Dutch research projects. When the portal was launched, in February 2014, it contained the data of the following projects: Cultu...
Interesting links

Trading Economics

Macroeconomic data, exchange rates, and data on stocks, bonds and commodities. Sources: National Statistical Offices (US BLS, etc), International institutions (IMF, World Bank , EUROSTAT, etc) and financial market exchanges across the wo...