Type Financieel-economische databases
Alleen voor Nyenrode studenten en medewerkers

The database contains full-text annual reports and company information, including:

  • Annual reports of 50,000 organizations
  • 5,000 largest companies worldwide
  • All Dutch organizations with yearly turnover > Euro 1 million
  • Dutch organizations with 50 and more employees
  • Both profit and non-profit organizations
  • Info on 100.000 Dutch decision makers and social networks
  • Prospectuses, financial spreadsheets
  • Company and related industry news

Dutch listed companies: 1993-present.
Other companies: 2000-present

Tip: full-text searching enables you to search for words in the text of annual reports:
Choose 'Search reports'.
Fill in your search terms in the field 'Free text'.
Select the years (required)
Click on 'Search reports'