
Bekijk alle publicaties van prof. dr. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen RA op de persoonlijke bio-pagina.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
- Van Nieuw Amerongen, C.M., Asare, S.K., Van Buuren, J.B., en I. Verwey, (2024), “The Effect of Pressure Sources and Trait Variables on Skeptical Audit Judgments and Actions”, SSRN download: The Effect of Pressure Sources and Trait Variables on Skeptical Audit Judgments and Actions by Niels van Nieuw Amerongen, Stephen Kwaku Asare, Joost van Buuren, Inez Verwey :: SSRN
- Zandee, D.C., Rotaru, K., en C.M. van Nieuw Amerongen, (2023), Linear-Circular Economy Transition Framework: Accounting for Linear-Circular Economy-specific Risks and Values while Facilitating the Progress to Net Zero. Chapter 5 in Dissertation Diane Zandee “Business decision-making in linear-circular economy transitions.
- Van Nieuw Amerongen, C.M., Duits, H.B., Gordon, E.A., en D.L. Street, (2022), “Proposed international standard on auditing financial statements of less complex entities: IAASB IAAER roundtables – Breakout 2 Design, Structure, and Content”, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting.
- Van Nieuw Amerongen, C.M., Duits, H.B., Gordon, E.A., en D.L. Street, (2022), “Proposed international standard on auditing financial statements of less complex entities: IAASB IAAER roundtables-Breakout 1 authority and groups. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting.
- van Nieuw Amerongen, N., Coskun, E., van Buuren, J. and Duits, H.B. (2022), "The coherence of the auditor-client relationship quality and auditor tenure with client’s perceptions on added-value in SME audits: a sociological perspective", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 358-379.
- Borkus, A., Boer, H.D. de, Brenk, H. van, & Nieuw Amerongen, C.M. van. (2021). The Effects of Self-Esteem and Perspective Taking on Judgement and Decision-Making in Group Audits. International Journal of Auditing.
- Buuren, J.P. van, Koch, C.K., Nieuw Amerongen, C.M. van, & A. Wright. (2018). Evaluating the Change Process for Business Risk Auditing: Legitimacy Experiences of Non-Big 4 Auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(2).
- Buuren, J.P. van, Koch, C.K., Nieuw Amerongen, C.M. (Niels) van, & Wright, A.M. (2014). The Use of Business Risk Audit Perspectives by Non-Big 4 Audit Firms. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 33(3).