
Andre Nijhof nieuwsbericht_LOWRES ESG as a compass for future-proof leadership

ESG as a compass for future-proof leadership

Education |  November 18 2022
How do organizations become stronger and more future-proof? The ESG Innovation Institute - a collaboration between Nyenrode Business University and KPMG - deals with this question every day.
Strength ESG Knowledge Survey results

ESG Knowledge Survey results

Education |  November 10 2022
The Green Deal’s sustainability program from 2019 obligates companies to gradually focus more on people, the environment, and society: ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). But are organisations adequately equipped to make their business operations more sustainable?
10102022-symposium ESG-Foto Sander Foederer-0775lr2
Sustainability policy must move from intention to action

Sustainability policy must move from intention to action

Education |  November 9 2022
Sustainable transformation of organisations first of all requires transformation of leaders themselves, as emerged during the first meeting of the recently established ESG Innovation Institute, a joint initiative of Nyenrode Business University and KPMG to assist directors, supervisory directors and professionals in the field of sustainability.
10102022-symposium ESG-Foto Sander Foederer-4251 Sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting

Education |  October 19 2022
On 21 April 2021, in the wake of the EU Green Deal, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) aimed at revising and strengthening rules introduced by the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD).
10102022-symposium ESG-Foto Sander Foederer-4192 ESG: from intention to action

ESG: from intention to action

Education |  October 19 2022
Commitment to sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority for companies worldwide. The cry from society to take responsibility is getting louder.
Kasteel The changing definition of business success requires new leadership

The changing definition of business success requires new leadership

Education |  October 11 2022
While in the last decades an organization’s success was measured mainly in terms of turnover, profitability, market share and customer satisfaction, now and in the future they will also be held accountable for the impact they make on people, the environment and society. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is now central to the balanced scorecard.
Leadership changes, once non-financial performance starts to count

Leadership changes, once non-financial performance starts to count

Education |  October 10 2022
Leadership changes when executives are held accountable for their contribution to people, the environment, and society. So say more than three-quarters of policymakers in a recent survey by KPMG and Nyenrode Business University.
Untitled design(2) Executive ESG Program

Executive ESG Program

Education |  October 10 2022
In this video Stephanie Hottenhuis, CEO and Chair of the Board of Management KPMG Nederland, en Jessica Peters-Hondelink, Director Customized Executive Education at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, explains why the ESG Innovation Institute offers the Executive ESG Program.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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