
Nyenrode IMBA Main Image2_Compressed Full-time MBA enjoys international media coverage

Full-time MBA enjoys international media coverage

Education |  June 26 2017
Nyenrode's Full-time MBA has been recently covered by numerous international media in topics such as the relocation of the program to Amsterdam and success stories from alumni.
-content-presspage-com-uploads-865-500_003-jpg Engaged leadership creates lasting impact on teams

Engaged leadership creates lasting impact on teams

Education |  June 24 2017
Team Leadership (TL) program is a new Executive Education course. Some of the teams of the program have been asked to share what they have learned. One of the most notable stories comes from the Group Procurement team at Delta Lloyd, from supervisor Thomas de Jonge and his colleagues Guido Boer and Richard Groot. The men hesitate to call their team situation special, but it is definitely just that. With ratings of 8.5 (engagement), 8.6 (enthusiasm) and 9.6 (leadership), they boast the highest scores for the Sustainability Engagement Survey within the organization. What makes them so successful?
-content-presspage-com-uploads-865-500_foodinnovation-1-jpg Global developments in the food economy: wonderful opportunity

Global developments in the food economy: wonderful opportunity

Education |  May 26 2017
Ruud Huirne has been appointed new core lecturer for the Global Food Economy module, part of the Modular MBA in Food & Innovation. Program director Henk Kievit is pleased about the appointment: “We are proud that Ruud Huirne is core lecturer for this module. With his broad background, experience and vision, he brings a great deal that participants can learn from.” Huirne is director Food & Agri at Rabobank and is convinced that the Netherlands can play an important role in the global food economy.
Customized Solutions

Customized Solutions

Education |  May 22 2017
“The problems faced by businesses today are no longer as simple and clearly defined as they used to be,” explains Prof. Dr. Leen Paape
-content-presspage-com-uploads-865-500_msc06-11-2015-19-jpg National Student Survey 2017: Students very satisfied with Nyenrode programs

National Student Survey 2017: Students very satisfied with Nyenrode programs

Education |  May 22 2017
As they indicated in previous years as well, the students of Nyenrode Business Universiteit are very satisfied with their degree programs. In the 2017 edition of the National Student Survey conducted by Studiekeuze123 annually, students rated Nyenrode far above the national average for universities in the Netherlands. The BSc in Business Administration started last year scored the highest with a 4.7 out of 5.
Nyenrode IMBA Main Image_Compressed Nyenrode relocates Full-time MBA program to heart of Amsterdam

Nyenrode relocates Full-time MBA program to heart of Amsterdam

Education |  February 22 2017
From September 2017 Nyenrode Business Universiteit will run its full-time MBA program from central Amsterdam, in order to better integrate students with the European business community. The university’s flagship programme will be located at De Vijf Keijzers, a complex situated on the iconic Emperors Canal (Keizersgracht).
-content-presspage-com-uploads-865-500_businessit-12-jpg Digital transformation: taking charge

Digital transformation: taking charge

Education |  November 28 2016
When it comes to the business sector, digital transformation is not just a choice, but rather a necessity. That is what Dr. Ir. Wolter Lemstra reiterates, the core professor of Digital Strategy and Transformation – a course of the Modular Executive MBA in Business & IT. Lemstra: “At one point or another, every organization will have to face digital transformation. So the best approach is to be adequately prepared.”


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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