
Ronald Jeurissen, Stefanie Beninger, Nicolas Chevrollier
Stefanie Beninger on resilience: stabilize, adjust, or transform?

Stefanie Beninger on resilience: stabilize, adjust, or transform?

Research |  December 11 2022
Nyenrode Business University recently hosted the fourth edition of the Radical Thinkers Series. In the series, scientists talk about their research and their “radically” different way of thinking.
Leen Paape small Why the social duty of care for companies must be regulated by law

Why the social duty of care for companies must be regulated by law

Research |  December 8 2022
It is taking too long for companies to put well-being before profit. That is why a social duty of care must be enshrined in law. This is what Leen Paape says in his farewell speech as Professor of Corporate Governance at Nyenrode.
Irene Jonkers nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Breaking routines within your organization requires guts, playfulness as well as reflection

Breaking routines within your organization requires guts, playfulness as well as reflection

Research |  December 2 2022
Changing to a more sustainable or more social organization means changing existing patterns. And to be able to do so, you need to address three challenges: giving meaning to what you want to do, learning how to do it, and creating space to eliminate resistance. This is according to research conducted by Irene Jonkers, who is receiving her PhD at Nyenrode Business University today. 'If you understand the three challenges, the process becomes more manageable and also more fun,' Jonkers said.
Andre Nijhof nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Circular beanies: closing the circle at Nyenrode

Circular beanies: closing the circle at Nyenrode

Research |  November 21 2022
Anyone who thought that Nyenrode Business University focuses purely on education and research is wrong; in fact, the university also sells circular beanies made of recycled cotton from worn clothing. By investing in a student idea, the university is doing its part to make the textile industry more sustainable.
Haico Ebbers We urgently need to understand the impact of new economic powers

We urgently need to understand the impact of new economic powers

Research |  October 11 2022
"Do not underestimate the impact of China and other emerging economies on trade and investment flows." So argues Professor of International Economics at Nyenrode Business University Haico Ebbers.
Annemieke Roobeek, Jacques de Swart, Myrthe van der Plas Corporate Responsibility Framework

Corporate Responsibility Framework

Research |  September 21 2022
If an organization wants to do business responsibly and make strategic decisions that benefit people, the environment, and the market, the golden rule is: to measure is to know.
Nick van Dam Dealing with the insecurities of modern society

Dealing with the insecurities of modern society

Research |  September 8 2022
With their book Authentic Confidence, Jacqueline Brassey, Nick van Dam and Arjen van Witteloostuijn offer a how-to-guide on how to start building authentic trust.
Ronald en Tineke Putting nature’s rights on the map

Putting nature’s rights on the map

Research |  July 20 2022
Nature also needs rights to preserve biodiversity. Prof. Tineke Lambooy and Prof. Ronald Jeurissen identified and analyzed 409 initiatives worldwide, found in 39 countries.


Lidy Nebbeling

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