News overview


Niels van Nieuw Amerongen Audits for Less Complex Entities

Audits for Less Complex Entities

Research |  September 18 2023
Small and medium-sized businesses, also known as SMEs, represent an important part of the economy. However, international auditing standards have not been not well tailored to this business category. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen, holder of the Kreston Netherlands SME Accountancy chair at Nyenrode Business University, analyzed with a research team stakeholder roundtable discussions focused on an international auditing standard for less complex entities. He summarized the findings in two international publications.
Promotie Koen Derks small Performing more transparent and efficient audits using Bayesian statistics

Performing more transparent and efficient audits using Bayesian statistics

Research |  March 17 2023
Auditors are able to work more transparently and efficiently by using Bayesian statistics. That is the main conclusion of Koen Derks’ research, who obtains his doctorate from Nyenrode Business University today. Techniques to apply Bayesian statistics in the audit have been made freely accessible by Derks, through the open-source program JASP. “Auditors should be bold enough to deviate from ways already paved more often.”
Coach House Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Research |  December 20 2022
Major social issues continue to have an increasing impact, also on the business community. And these issues increasingly require corporate involvement. Remko Renes (member of the Nyenrode Corporate Governance Institute) and Auke de Bos (associated with the EUR and EY) elaborate on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. They think about the meaning and the importance of ESG, and the influence of this topic’s focus and transparency on organizations and directors and the roles of supervisors and audits. Based on their insights, they give recommendations to directors, supervisory directors, advisers and accountants.
Annemieke Roobeek, Jacques de Swart, Myrthe van der Plas Corporate Responsibility Framework

Corporate Responsibility Framework

Research |  September 21 2022
If an organization wants to do business responsibly and make strategic decisions that benefit people, the environment, and the market, the golden rule is: to measure is to know.
Barbara Majoor Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

Opinion |  September 19 2022
We often underestimate how much power we hold in terms of being able to make a difference. We are all capable of contributing to bettering the world in one form or another.
Nyenrode-header-nieuwsberichten-ImpactCase-2 “Writing a master’s thesis is a life-changing experience”

“Writing a master’s thesis is a life-changing experience”

Research |  June 1 2022
Writing a master's thesis proves to be a real bottleneck for many students. What is it exactly that’s so challenging? And how can supervisors get a better grip on the number of master's theses that need to be completed?
Niels van Nieuw Amerongen nieuwsbericht_LOWRES SME entrepreneur values strong relationship with external auditor

SME entrepreneur values strong relationship with external auditor

Opinion |  March 7 2022
A strong relationship between SME entrepreneur and the external auditor and experiencing added value with respect to the auditor’s service provision coherently go together. This is the conclusion of a scientific study led by Prof. Dr. Niels van Nieuw Amerongen RA.
Roland Spekle Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Effective performance management in the public sector?

Effective performance management in the public sector?

Research |  December 21 2021
Does measuring work performance within the Dutch public sector improve effectiveness and efficiency? According to Prof. Dr. Roland Speklé, Professor of Management Accounting & Control at Nyenrode Business University, performance measurement systems actually often have a negative effect on work performance.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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