
Portrait Edward Ellis-min ‘It's inspiring to see others make progress'

‘It's inspiring to see others make progress'

Community |  June 15 2020
Edward Ellis shares with us his passion for solving people's real problems and building up his new company mïdentity while attending the Full-time MBA in Amsterdam.
Alec Inden bscba 'An ode to my mother'

'An ode to my mother'

Community |  May 6 2020
On Sunday May 10, it is Mother's Day, three students of the BSc in Business Administration (BScBA) - Alec Inden, Jasper Laarhoven and Axl Dreesen - pay tribute to their mothers who all three have also studied at Nyenrode in the past. How is their bond? What have they learned from their mothers?
Roberto Floren portret Family business suffers from coronacrisis but remains optimistic

Family business suffers from coronacrisis but remains optimistic

Research |  April 9 2020
The 270,000 Dutch family businesses, like many other companies, have been struck hard by the coronacrisis.
Graduation “I found my best friends at Nyenrode”

“I found my best friends at Nyenrode”

Community |  April 6 2020
BScBA-alumna Isabella Houtakkers talks about her time at Nyenrode.
Campus NBU leeg 1 Silence and noise during the Corona crisis

Silence and noise during the Corona crisis

About Nyenrode |  March 17 2020
Professors are streaming lectures from home, students have gone to their parents, when possible, and employees are looking for possibilities to collaborate online. It is quiet at the campuses of Nyenrode Business University.
Olivier Valks “Be open to others and try to understand differences”

“Be open to others and try to understand differences”

Community |  February 20 2020
“This degree program offers much more than just academics. There are so many opportunities since you are living on campus, and at the same time you can do things to develop yourself through the student association and its 49 committees,” says Olivier Valks about the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BScBA) program.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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